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An in-depth analysis of a flaw that I found and fixed in the HTM algorithm.
Under the right conditions, science and technology can accelerate its own development.
I took several computer graphics courses in college and I enjoyed them a lot.
Back in college I published this python library of graph algorithms. Graphs are a mathematical concept, and at the time I was quite interested in studying their properties and applications. Its distinguishing feature is that it operates directly on the user's data structures, whereas all other comparable libraries required the user to copy their data into and out of the libraries' desired data structures or data formats. My library accomplishes this using a single simple "adjacency()" function to specify the graph structure. I'm proud of how versatile this API is.
I rendered this animation for a college course, in which I learned that 3D modeling is a difficult skill that I don't have.
Anecdotes from a youth spent wandering the roads at night